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Does your website C.O.N.V.E.R.T.?

Having a website is great, but if it doesn’t convert it is just a waste of space. Make your website work for you by ensuring it C.O.N.V.E.R.T.S.

C- Clear Call to Action

Make sure your website is designed to get an immediate response from the person reading it. You want to people who come to your site to take some type of action when visiting you home page.

O – Offer

Think about things you can offer your audience in exchange for visiting your website. Think discount for signing up for your newsletter, free trial, or even a link to a blog article.

N- Niched Showcase

Show off who you are and who you do it for. The subject matter that you are an expert in show be obvious as soon as a person visits your homepage. Make sure the message is clear.

V- Valuable

What value do you have to customers and clients and how is that shown on your website? Give people a reason to stay on your website.

E- Effective

Keep content on your site efficient. Don't fill your page with a lot of unnecessary text. The average user only reads about 28% of a web page, so be concise! Make sure your content is well organized and that important points pop out with bullet point lists, and/or bold text.

R- Resolution

Make sure you are mindful of how your website will look on a smaller device. The size of your photos and text will also impact your website load time. You use websites like Uptrends and Geekflare to do a website audit and see how your website is performing in real time.

T- Testimonial

People are nosey and want to know if what you saying works, works, Showcase testimonial and social proof that you know what you’re doing and it works. This will provide reassurance to future customers.

S- Secure

If you are accepting payments or collecting any type of personal information, make sure your website is safe and secure. Your website should begin with “https” instead of just “http” to indicate that it is encrypted. This security is provided by an SSL certificate, which protects sensitive information entered into that site as it travels from the site to a server. If your website doesn’t have this, get it. Now.

What are some things you need help with when it comes to your website? Let us know in the comments below.

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